
What Anna Johnson
has done for Charleston County
Standing for a better and more inclusive Charleston County
Anna Johnson’s desire to improve the living conditions for residents of rural settlement communities and her effort to enhance the quality of life of all Sea Island citizens inspired her to run for re-election to her seat on Charleston County Council.
Anna will continue her efforts to find solutions to improve our roads, education, ease our traffic congestion, and keep Charleston County moving forward with economic development, while preserving the character of the Sea Islands for those who live, work, and play here.

Anna's Legacy
Anna Johnson knows how to get things done! Her track record of completing projects for District 8 communities speaks for itself. Anna was instrumental in the paving of new roads, the placement of new traffic safety lights and signs and the construction of new drainage systems for flood control in various communities.
Anna fought for the residents of Johns Island when a burn pit for hurricane debris was proposed on a 95-acre site that’s close to many homes. Anna rallied the residents of the island, and the plan for an incinerator was scrapped. As Chair for Public Safety, Anna was instrumental in bringing Covid -19 testing and vaccines to all residents of the rural areas.
Anna’s Vision - Learn more about how she will continue to fight the issues for Charleston County.

Telehealth appointments now available at select rural libraries
If you live in rural Charleston County, women’s healthcare services may be coming to a library near you thanks to the WISE (Women in the South-East) Telehealth Network. Ms Johnson, in agreement with the Charleston County Library, is providing this tele-health service through MUSC to the residents on Wadmalaw and Parkers Ferry since COVID 19 became a big threat.

Burn Site
When County staff requested the purchase of land to put a burn site at Main and Humbert roads this did not sit well with Councilwoman Johnson. It was not a good location in the community because of possible noise, traffic congestion and environment impact on resident’s health. Councilwoman Johnson took her concern to the people to stop this from happening.

Cedar Springs Traffic
We have a traffic problem in Cedar Springs. And it is NOT because of the PGA tournament. Cedar Springs has one road through the neighborhood from Maybank Highway to Bohicket Road. The most important thing we need is to STOP tractor trailers and buses from Berryhill. The reason is obvious in the pictures.
Councilwoman Johnson worked to get a “No Thru Truck” sign to stop these buses and trucks from destroying the pavement, and preventing residents from traveling to their homes.

Parkers Ferry Food Distribution
Residents on Wadmalaw Island and the Parkers Ferry Community do not have live in a food desert. Since COVD 19 impact on the residents, Councilwoman Johnson along with the Community
Resource Center has been providing food, diapers, mask and hygiene products for the residents.

James Island, Wadmalaw, Edisto Vaccine Clinic
Covid shots and test were provided in these rural areas to make it more accessible and convenient to the residents.

Old Grimball Cemetery
Anna is working with a team on the Old Grimball Graveyard know as Evergreen Cemetery to tell its history. Many African American cemeteries are being threaten by development and this is a great model to demonstrate how they can be protected, provide social history and be, a wonderful place to visit and pay homage.
Latest News and Updates
Anna johnson supports the John Lewis Voting right Act. Please click the above video to see her story
This week at the RoundTable Anna hosted the round table meeting with a focus on Tax Re-assments Joy Glennon from the Tax assents office. she will touch on what is Reassments, how to read the bill, the 15% tax cap and how often your property will be reassessed
The estimated cost of extending the Mark Clark Expressway from West Ashley to James Island has tripled, according to the South Carolina Department of Transportation.
"People have come out here (before us) four times now and asked us to do the right thing as we look to move forward. We should consider their request because we have a moral duty to our community to be fair and just and equitable," said council member Anna Johnson.
Covid 19 disaster assistance for small business
Charleston County micro businesses can now apply for up to $25,000 in COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Funds. In March,Charleston County Council approved this funding to assist “mom and pop” businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic. The application deadline is May 6, 2022.

Join the Fight for
Charleston County
Join the South Carolina Democratic Party as a volunteer!
United We Stand, together we can continue our progress. We need you to be a part of it. Join us now!
Library Round Tables
The Roundtable Discussion is held every third Wednesday except in November and December when it is held on the second Wednesday due to the holidays. Ms Johnson has been hosting the Roundtable Discussion since she first took office in 2010 to inform the citizens in Charleston County about various services the county has to offer. She also gets input about what needs to be done in the communities.